
It’s 2018 and I’m writing fiction again!

It’s 2018 and I’m writing fiction again!

If you head over to the Read Stuff Now! section, you may notice that I wrote a lot during 2002-2005. That particular blizzard began when I took a two year sabbatical from my engineering career to pursue writing following a move between states. 

My writing slowed down to a trickle after I returned to full time engineering in 2004. We then started a family in 2005 and my spare time really evaporated! Of course, my writing never really stopped, but an awful lot of what I wrote for the next several years was the workish kind — hardware specifications and test reports — only visible to my technical colleagues. There never seemed to be enough energy left at the end of the day for more creative works.

With the kids getting older, I'm determined to start writing fiction again. Revamping the website has also given me a little inspiration. The content used to be scattered around several locations, and seeing it all in one place is kind of motivating.

Check back soon for updates!

© 2002 - 2020 Christy Noel