Short Stories

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My writing explores a variety of genres, including a ghost story, one venturing towards fantasy, and pieces that explore drama and humor. Oddly, I don’t have any sci fi or mystery in here yet, which are my favorite genres to read.

I have been exploring different genres, so it's not easy to define my short stories. Enjoy!

Adventures in Health Care (or read as PDF)

Not just a routine visit to the vet…

Written in 2004. "Adventures in Health Care" takes a humorous look at the true story of one of our cats, Montana, who became extremely ill following a routine vaccination. She survived and is still with us today, by the way. This story was first published in the Summer 2004 issue of Prose Toad Literary Zine

A Quick Trip to the Post Office (or read as PDF)

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A stressful day during the holidays from the view of an engineer.

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Written in 2004. The third tale, "A Quick Trip to the Post Office," skirts closer to the borders of reality because it deals with the life of an engineer. It's entirely fictional, in case you're wondering, but I did draw from scrambled elements of my working life. This is an older story, so it may not seem quite as focused as some of my later writing. 

Weekend Getaway (or read as PDF)

What did his wife know? He didn't believe in ghosts.

Written in 2003. "Weekend Getaway" came out of another writing exercise that evolved into a ghost story. I spent some time trying to market this piece, but when I went back to work I ran out of time to research possible magazines. I'd rather have the work see an audience than none at all, so I have decided to present the story here.

The Wizard’s Wand (or read as PDF)

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Erick didn't want to go back into the dragon's lair.

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Written in 2002. "The Wizard's Wand" is a fun little children's story. I wrote this as part of an editing challenge where you write a story and then edit it down to half the size in order to polish it and find out what is truly important to the tale. I particularly enjoyed writing the action for this story. 

Protecting Illya (or read as PDF)

After twenty years, the war drums are beating again. Will Illya come through unscathed?

Written in 2002. "Protecting Illya" is a pseudo-period drama. "Protecting Illya" reminds me of bittersweet old movies. 

Knitting Needles (or read as PDF)

Grandma decides to fly

Written in 2002. "Knitting Needles" is a fairy tale that you don't have to be a kid to enjoy. It's fast and focused.

© 2002 - 2020 Christy Noel